Do I Need an SEO Agency, Expert or Consultant?

by lgoren

I’ve been on both sides of this equation: I’ve spent thousands on SEO agencies and experts for companies and startups I used to work for. I’ve also worked at huge digital marketing agencies and as an SEO consultant for many types of companies.

I say this because I have unique experience in the field of search engine optimization and I can kind of tell you how the sausage is made, so to speak.

If you’re a business, startup or an individual looking to grow their business you’re probably wondering about how to do this whole SEO thing. I’ve been there. Should I hire an SEO agency? Should I just find someone on Fiverr? Screw it, should I just do it myself?

I’ve thrown tens of thousands of dollars down the toilet over the last 10 years trying to find the best option. I’ll do my best to explain each option and provide you with a list of pros and cons. Hopefully, you’ll make the right decision!

Do you Really Need SEO?

I guess it would be counterintuitive to say no here since I charge clients for SEO. I would say 95% of businesses absolutely NEED SEO. I did an entire write up on why SEO is relevant in 2024, so I won’t waste too much time on this point.

As I mentioned earlier, there are really only 3 ways you can do SEO for your business:

  1. Hire an SEO agency or company
  2. Hire an SEO expert or consultant
  3. Do SEO yourself

Let’s dissect each of these and see which one’s right for you.

Can You Do SEO Yourself?

Ben Franklin said it best: You can do anything you set your mind to. It’s true, you can do SEO yourself. That’s what I did. After years of paying for different types of marketing services and getting no results, I said fuck it. I’ll do it myself.

It took me YEARS to get good at it. and even longer to get good enough to charge big companies to do SEO. So, if you have the time, patience, and perseverance, you can do it. Just understand, learning SEO takes as much time as seeing results from SEO.

If you plan on doing SEO yourself right away, these are the best tips I can give you that you can use right away:

Find the Right Keywords

So, you think you’re gonna rank for “insurance company” overnight? Yeah, good luck with that. Competing with industry giants is like trying to outrun Usain Bolt—you’re probably not gonna win. Instead, focus on long-tail keywords. These are the more specific phrases that your actual customers are typing into Google. Think “best life insurance for new parents” or “affordable car insurance in Austin.”

Here’s the deal: targeting these niche keywords means less competition and more qualified traffic. It’s a win-win. Personally, I love using Google Keyword Planner—it’s free and gets the job done. But there are other awesome tools out there like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, and Moz. Play around with them and find those hidden gems that’ll actually drive traffic to your site.

Write From the Heart and HELP Potential Customers

Listen, people can smell BS from a mile away. If you’re just churning out content stuffed with keywords, it’s not gonna fly. Instead, write like you’re having a conversation with a friend. Share your expertise, tell stories, be genuine. Your goal should be to provide real value to your potential customers.

When you focus on helping rather than selling, magic happens. Not only do you build trust, but Google notices too. They’re all about that user experience. So, ditch the sales pitch and start solving problems. Answer questions, offer insights, be the go-to resource in your niche. Trust me, your audience (and your SEO) will thank you.

Technical SEO

First, you gotta do some internal linking. Think of your website like a spiderweb; the more interconnected it is, the easier it is for both users and search engines to crawl through your content. Linking related pages helps spread the SEO juice around and keeps visitors engaged longer. So, sprinkle those internal links like you’re adding hot sauce to your favorite dish.

Next, let’s chat about meta descriptions and title tags. These are the little snippets that show up in Google search results. They might seem trivial, but they’re your first impression—your digital pickup line, if you will. Craft compelling titles and descriptions that include your keywords but also entice people to click. No clickbait, just honest and intriguing summaries.

And don’t sleep on header tags (H1, H2, H3). These bad boys structure your content and make it readable. Your H1 is like the headline of a newspaper article—use it wisely. Subheadings (H2, H3) break down your content into digestible chunks, which is great for readers and even better for Google’s understanding of your page.

Cost-effective: Saves money since you’re not paying anyone else.Time-consuming: Steep learning curve and ongoing effort needed.
Full control over strategies and implementation.Risk of mistakes that could hurt your site’s ranking.
Direct learning experience enhances your understanding of SEO.Lack of expertise may lead to subpar results.
Flexibility to adjust tactics whenever you want.Keeping up with updates: SEO best practices change frequently.

SEO Expert / Consultant

Search engine optimization experts, freelancers and consultants are typically individuals you hire to perform SEO tasks for your company. Individuals can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are dirt cheap, while others are definitely on the pricier side. This will all depend on experience.

My tip for you is to know exactly what you want to pay for. Create a list of goals, tasks and requirements. Note: I’m almost 90% sure your goals will be lofty. So, consultant will either promise you everything, or be real with you.

If your goal is to rank for “best real estate agent,” I’ll be honest with you, probably not going to happen. An experienced SEO consultant will tell you the truth and put a more realistic strategy forward. It’s all about a bit of compromise.

Why Hire SEO Consultant?

So, why should you think about hiring an SEO consultant instead of going it alone or dropping big bucks on an agency? Let me break it down.

Agencies charge a shit-load, and sometimes you’re just paying for their fancy offices and overhead. With a consultant, you’re likely getting more bang for your buck. They offer competitive pricing, and you can often negotiate a deal that fits your budget without sacrificing quality.

Next, flexibility. Consultants aren’t tied down by corporate red tape. Need to pivot your strategy on the fly? They’ll adjust without needing a meeting about a meeting.

And here’s a big one: personal touch. When you hire a consultant, you’re not just another client in a massive portfolio. They take the time to understand your business, your goals, your challenges. It’s a more personalized approach, almost like having an in-house SEO guru without the full-time salary.

Let’s talk about timeframes. Agencies might juggle dozens of clients, which means your project could get put on the back burner. A consultant, on the other hand, can often deliver results faster because they’re focusing directly on your needs. Less bureaucracy, more action.

Bottom line? Hiring an SEO consultant gives you better pricing, more flexibility, quicker turnaround times, and a personalized strategy tailored just for you. If that sounds like a win-win, it might be the route you want to take.

How to Hire an SEO Consultant

Don’t just pick the first person who pops up on Google or someone your cousin’s friend recommended because “they’re good with computers.” Look for consultants with a proven track record. Check out their case studies, read testimonials, and see if they’ve worked with businesses similar to yours.

Next, know what you want. Before you even start talking to potential consultants, have a clear idea of your goals. Are you looking to boost organic traffic? Improve your site’s ranking for specific keywords? Increase conversions? The clearer you are, the better they’ll be able to tailor their strategy to your needs.

When you start reaching out, pay attention to how they communicate. Do they explain things in plain English, or do they throw a bunch of jargon at you? You want someone who can break down complex concepts without making your head spin. If they’re already confusing you in the first conversation, imagine how it’ll be down the line.

To sum up:

Personalized attention and strategies tailored to your needs.Limited resources compared to a full agency (one-person show).
More affordable than hiring a big agency.Variable quality: Skill levels can vary widely among consultants.
Flexibility in project scope and timelines.Dependency on one person: Delays if they’re unavailable.
Direct communication with the expert doing the work.May lack specialized skills in certain SEO areas.

Hire an SEO Agency

There are 2 types of SEO agencies: ones that solely focus on SEO, and ones that do general digital marketing and SEO is just one of their offerings.

Either way, both have large overhead. An office space, several or many employees, etc. Prices and services are generally set in stone so it’s a bit tougher to negotiate. They’ve been around for a while so they are less likely to discuss changes in services.

Why Hire an SEO Agency?

If you have the budget for it, hiring an agency can provide some sense of relief and professionalism. You can rest well knowing the work will be done with very minimal supervision by you.

You can expect solid reports, analysis and stats on how well your campaign(s) is doing. They use state of the art software that could possibly give you a better look of your marketing efforts.

Scalability is a big one. If you’re planning to grow—or suddenly find yourself needing to ramp up efforts—a big agency has the manpower to scale quickly. They can allocate more resources to your project without missing a beat. With a consultant, there’s only so much one person can do.

Do I Need An SEO Agency?

Short answer is; not really. It depends on your company. If you’re a booming business, It might be an easier pitch to upper management. They would probably prefer a reputable company even if it’s on the pricier side.

For most instances, you’re probably better off with a dedicated SEO expert. Even for big companies.

To sum up:

Access to a team of experts with diverse skills.More expensive than other options.
Comprehensive services: Content, technical SEO, link building, etc.Less personalized attention: You’re one of many clients.
Advanced tools and technologies at their disposal.Potential for longer turnaround times due to larger client base.
Scalable solutions suitable for growing businesses.Possible overhead costs: Paying for services you might not need.

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