Is SEO Still Relevant 2024? F**K YES!

Firstly, let’s address the elephant in the room: Most people, including so-called SEO experts, have the wrong idea about what search engine optimization really is. They treat it like some secret hack—a mystical way to trick Google into liking their website.

They think it’s all about keywords, backlinks, site speed, blah blah blah. In reality, it’s much simpler than that.

It’s about the user. The customer or potential client. It’s about helping the billions of people who type into the Google search bar every day. You want to guide them and make their decision-making process as smooth as possible.

So, it’s not whether SEO is still relevant in 2024; it’s how you’re doing it that will determine how effective (or not) those efforts are.

Is SEO Still Relevant in 2024?

SEO is 1,000% still relevant and worth it in 2024. That is, if you’re are doing it the right, organic and holistic way.  

You should also ask, if not SEO, then what? SEO has been a pillar strategy for millions of marketing teams across the world for decades. So if NOT SEO, which platform is better and why? Is it X? LinkedIn? TikTok? YouTube?

Let’s break down why search engine optimization is as relevant and important than even today!

Reasons SEO Is 100% Still Relevant in 2024

Recent Algorithms Friendly to Smaller/Niche Sites

Google’s been tweaking its algorithms (as usual), but here’s the kicker: they’re actually leveling the playing field. Smaller and niche sites are getting more love than ever before.

Isn’t it annoying seeing the ‘top dogs’ dominate the first page of Google results all… the time? Yeah, not so much anymore. Google’s newest algorithm updates are helping smaller, niche sites.

They’re getting smarter at understanding user intent and rewarding sites that provide genuine value—even if they’re not giants.

I’ve been seeing this trends with some of my clients (below). Here’s one in particular that has seen a 500% + surge in organic traffic over 1-2 months! Pretty crazy, right?

It STILL Has the Highest ROI

Did you know that SEO has an average ROI of 825%? Yeah, you read that right. I couldn’t believe it either when I first saw that number.

Think about it: Once you’re ranking, you get continuous, organic traffic without paying for every single click. Compare that to PPC where you’re shelling out cash daily.

I have one website that still generates more than 80% of its traffic from blogs that were written years ago. In total, this website generate nearly 10,000 organic clicks per month.

The Only Way to Get Continuous Traffic (Unlike CPC)

Pay-per-click is like renting a house. The moment you stop paying, you’re out on the street. SEO, on the other hand, is like owning property. Sure, it takes more time and effort upfront, but once you’ve built it, it’s yours.

Continuous traffic means consistent leads, sales, and growth. Who doesn’t want that?

Better Conversion Rates

Organic traffic converts better. Why? Because people trust organic results more than ads. It’s that simple.

When someone finds you organically, they’ve likely done some research and are further along in the buying cycle. They’re not just clicking because an ad caught their eye; they’re clicking because they believe you have what they need.

I helped a law firm optimize their site for specific legal services. Not only did their traffic increase, but the quality of leads improved dramatically. More consultations, more clients, more money.

The Rise of AI-Generated Content

Look, AI is cool and all, but let’s be real—it still sounds… well, robotic. Google isn’t a fan of that. They’ve gotten better at detecting AI-generated fluff.

If you actually take your time—or better yet, hire an SEO pro—you can create content that resonates with humans and algorithms. Quality over quantity, folks.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen sites tank because they relied on AI to churn out content. Don’t be that guy (or gal).

Is SEO Worth It for Small Businesses?

So, who benefits most from SEO? Spoiler alert: Everyone, but especially small businesses. Small businesses generally rely on word of mouth marketing. It’s great, but eventually, you need to branch out.

SEO is the best way small businesses can develop a brand and build trust with potential customers. It’s their way to tell their story or provide users with helpful resources that they can easily find with a quick Google search.

So, which companies benefit most from SEO?  

SEO for Construction Companies

Imagine you’re a local construction company. You rely on local clients, right? With proper local SEO, you can dominate the search results in your area.

I worked with a small construction firm that specialized in eco-friendly builds. By targeting local keywords and optimizing their Google My Business profile, they started getting more calls than ever before. Their calendar filled up, and they even had to hire more staff to keep up with demand.

SEO for Real Estate Agents

The real estate game is cutthroat. If you’re not on page one, you’re invisible.

By focusing on hyper-local keywords like “best realtor in [Your City],” you can get in front of people actively looking to buy or sell.

Additionally, create guides and resources. Local housing costs each month. Mortgage acquisition tips. Be there on different parts of the buyer journey and be there for the moment families want to buy or sell.

SEO for Online Retail

E-commerce is booming, but so is the competition. SEO helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Optimizing product descriptions, utilizing long-tail keywords, and creating valuable content can drive massive traffic to your online store.

SEO for Ecommerce can be a game-changer. Put out product guides and comparisons. Talk about the big names in your industry. It’s a great way of getting your brand name out there and ‘in the mix.’

SEO for Law Firms and Lawyers

Legal keywords are some of the most expensive in PPC. Why pay $50 per click when you can rank organically?

By creating informative content and optimizing for the right keywords, law firms can attract clients without breaking the bank.

I advised a legal client I had to put questions they’ve received over the years from initial consultations and turn them all into different pieces of content. It worked like a charm!

SEO for Startups

Startups need exposure but often have tight budgets. SEO is the most cost-effective way to get in front of your target audience.

By focusing on niche keywords and providing valuable content, startups can build authority and attract investors, partners, and customers.

I worked with a tech startup that couldn’t afford massive ad campaigns. Through strategic SEO, we got them featured on major publications and attracted significant traffic. They secured funding shortly after.

So, is SEO still worth it in 2024? F**k yes!

It’s not some outdated strategy; it’s evolving, adapting, and still delivering results like nothing else. Whether you’re a small business, a startup, or an established company, SEO can propel you to new heights.

Stop throwing money into the PPC black hole. Invest in SEO. Invest in your future.

And if you need help navigating this ever-changing landscape, reach out. I’d love to help you crush it.

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