Winnipeg SEO Expert | From 0 to 10,000 Monthly Visitors

I’m not sure quite how it happened. A small Winnipeg startup went from nothing to becoming one of the global leaders in health technology. With customers ranging from the (then) Oakland Raiders and NASA. So, what was this magical solution that turned our local endeavor into a global success story? SEO. And if you’re thinking about which direction to spend your marketing budget, hiring a Winnipeg SEO expert will go a long way.

Whether your budget is $0 or $10,000, search engine optimization remains king. The same goes for whether your business is strictly local, country-wide or international. Of all the marketing mediums, SEO has the second highest return on investment (ROI), next to email marketing.

A study was conducted to analyze nearly 20 industries and what the average return on investment from SEO was. The study found that the average ROI was 825% within 3 years. But the sad truth is most companies give up on SEO just a few months in due to lack of results.

From 0 to 10,000 Monthly Visitors – How Did I Do It?

I’m not going to lie to you. I knew virtually nothing about SEO when I started a decade ago. I was certainly no expert. But the majority of our company budget was allocated to R&D. But before I landed on SEO, as lead of the marketing team, we tried everything. We spent $50,000 on PR, tens of thousands on social, thousands on print ads. The list goes on. And while they all had some benefits, they paled in comparison to SEO.

So, I started to dig and learn about search engine optimization. Keywords, H tags, long-tail keywords, blah blah blah. I started posting hyper-targeted content but it took months to see results. I was about to quit. We didn’t have the budget to wait for results. But eventually, that changed.

6-12 months in, we were getting thousands of clicks per month. The first 1K is always the hardest, but the growth after that is exponential. We eventually sold out of stock and the team began another production run (for wearable devices). The content team doubled-down on SEO and now (in December of 2023) we’re getting nearly 18,000 unique views per month.

Do You Even Need an SEO Expert in Winnipeg?

Winnipeg is a gold mine for SEO marketing. As the population slowly approaches 1 million, companies are still under-utilizing SEO. Most businesses here rely on word of mouth and social media. So, if that works for you, great!

But unlike cities like New York and Toronto, where competition is fierce, Winnipeg has untapped potential in terms of revenue from SEO implementation. With fairly minimal effort, your Winnipeg business can be seen by millions of monthly searchers.

Usually companies in Winnipeg will hire an SEO experts for particular reasons. If you don’t know whether you need one or not, here is a list of signs your business might need and/or greatly benefit from implementing SEO:

Very Little Online Presence

Imagine you’re the best-kept secret in town. Sounds cool, right? But not if you’re a business. If you’re not popping up on Google, it’s like you’re winking in the dark. Sure, you know what you’re doing, but nobody else does. An SEO expert can turn on the spotlight and make sure you’re seen by the people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.

You Are a Local Business (local SEO)

Now, let’s say you run a cozy café in St. Boniface or a trendy boutique in Osborne Village. You’re not just any business—you’re a local staple. But if someone types “best latte in Winnipeg” or “unique fashion in Winnipeg” and you’re not showing up, you’re missing out big time. Local SEO is like the friendly neighbourhood sign-spinner pointing folks directly to your door. It’s essential, and an SEO expert can get you on the local map, literally.

Industry is Competitive

You’re in a crowded market, and everyone’s jostling for the top spot on Google’s search results. It’s like the Jets fighting to make it into the playoffs—intense! If your competitors are optimizing their websites and you’re not, they’re scoring goals while you’re still lacing up your skates. An SEO expert can coach you through the game plan you need to compete.

Most of Your Leads / Customers Come Through Referrals

Referrals are fantastic—cheers to happy customers spreading the word! But what happens when those referrals dry up? If you’re relying solely on word-of-mouth, you’re skating on thin ice. Diversifying with an online strategy means you’ve got a safety net. An SEO expert ensures your net is cast wide, so you keep reeling in those leads, even when the referral well needs a top-up.

You’re Only On Instagram / TikTok

Social media is a powerhouse, but it’s just one part of the puzzle. If you’re only using Instagram or TikTok, you’re like a band with only one song. Sure, it might be a hit, but where’s the album? You need a full playlist to keep the audience engaged. An SEO expert can help you hit the right notes across all platforms, turning those one-hit-wonders into a chart-topping presence.

What Does an SEO Expert Even Do?

Before you hire anyone, it’s good to know a bit about the role of an SEO expert. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be in making a financially viable decision for your organization.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the compass for your SEO journey. It’s about understanding the secret language of your audience—what are they typing into Google when they’re looking for services like yours? It’s not just about getting traffic; it’s about getting the right traffic. You NEED to be the answer to someone’s search query, the solution to their problem.

It’s very easy to become out of touch with potential customers and clients. You’re so focused on the product or service, you have your own terminology and lingo. But the lingo isn’t necessarily what people are searching for. Hiring a Winnipeg SEO expert will help put things into perspective and target the right keywords.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the health check-up for your website. It ensures that Google can crawl and index your site without hitting any roadblocks. It’s like the behind-the-scenes crew at a theatre making sure the show runs without a hitch.

This includes fixing broken links, speeding up loading times, and ensuring that your website is as welcoming to search engines as it is to customers. Neglect this, and it’s like having a fabulous billboard in the middle of nowhere; it might look great, but no one’s going to find it. This is a crucial responsibility of a Winnipeg SEO expert.

Content Planning / Creation

Content planning and creation is where the creative juices flow. It’s the art of telling your brand’s story in a way that resonates with your audience. An SEO specialist doesn’t just produce content; they craft an experience, a journey through words, images, and videos. It’s about creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content that not only ranks well but also engages and retains your audience. Think of it as planting a garden where every piece of content is a seed that grows into a relationship with your customers.

URL Structure

Your URLs are more than just web addresses—they’re a hierarchy of signposts for both users and search engines. The way you structure the URL is very important to Google. You need to use the right language and structure that will make it easier for Google to understand the content on the page.

Think of a meticulously organized library with every book in its rightful place—that’s what an SEO-conscious URL structure provides. It’s about making it simple for search engines to understand what your page is about and easy for humans to remember.

Titles / Conversion

The titles on your web pages are like headlines in a newspaper. They have to catch the eye, inform, and lure readers into the story—your business’s story. And it doesn’t stop with just being catchy; titles are integral in turning a curious clicker into a customer. That’s where conversion optimization comes in. It’s like having a 24/7 salesperson who knows just what to say to make someone take that next step, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or reaching out for a quote.

Data and Analytics (Tracking and Monitoring)

Data is everything for a business. Without it, any organization is just a bunch of headless chickens running around. And you would be amazed at the analysis tools SEO specialists have. Good SEO’s have a wide range of tools that provide insights into trends, conversions, online activity and so much more.

With SEO tools, you can see whether people are visiting your website via smartphone or desktop. You can see how many pages each user visits in a single visit to your website. You can even track how much time they spent on each page. It’s amazing, isn’t it. Whether you have an internal SEO person or you hire a consultant, the data they bring to the table can be a massive advantage to your business growth.

Are Looking to Hire a Winnipeg SEO Expert?

I’ve helped dozens of companies from Canada, to the US and Hong Kong. Industries I’ve served include finance, legal, consulting, engineering, construction, car repair, restaurants, tech and more. I love SEO, digital marketing and helping companies grow their online presence. I always say that I don’t look for clients, I look for partners. If I feel like I can’t help, I will not BS you.

If you’re interested in my SEO services, let’s chat. Email me here.

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